Wednesday, October 1, 2014

Too Close To The Sun

He could be free from Crete and escaped King Minos's Labyrinth with his wings, made from wax and feathers. He could.
His father warned him not to fly too close to the sun, for the wax would melt and he would fall into the sea. But the giddiness of flying, the curiosity about being close to the only light in the world led him to his death. He flew too close to the sun, then the wax melted off of his wings, left his arms flapping in the air without anything. He then fell into the sea in the area which today bears his name, Icarian Sea.

Seharusnya setiap orang punya sebuah garis yang bernama batasan. Sesuatu yang punya embel-embel "terlalu" itu nggak baik. Kamu terlalu dekat dengan matahari, kamu akan jatuh karena sayapmu meleleh. Mungkin gue harus mencegah diri gue sebelum gue terlalu dekat dengan matahari..... sebelum gue jatuh dan sadar gue nggak punya sayap lagi untuk bangkit lagi, terbang lagi.

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