Wednesday, February 17, 2016

Me and Bullying

There are reasons why people are them. Reasons as it's their past, experiences, bad or good. Me, I'd like to think that those reasons are the "ingredients" to create people like they are now.
For example, there's reason why Mr. Jaden is so annoying to older woman. My personal thought: because his mom left him when he was very young. Or maybe because his older ex-girlfriend cheated on him. Or maybe he is just gay. See, there has to be a reason why Mr. Jaden is that way.
Another example, there must be a reason why Gilly is lesbian. She might liked girls since young, or maybe she was harassed by older people. Maybe she just crazy. Well, sorry!
There are reason why I am me. You'll never know, maybe my temper's born when I watched stupid Twilight; when Bella decided to transform herself to vampire and threw away her life for stupid Edward which...........--
Okay OOT.
Maybe my wicked self was born because of some people. Or maybe I'm just despicable that way. Or maybe I'm bullied.


That one word alone is quite sensitive for me to talk about.
I was bullied for 3 years for reasons that I didn't even know exactly why. Those 3 years were the worst time of my worst nightmare. I barely hold on. You may find this stupid, being all sentimental over some silly mockery. Almost all people in my school mocked me and called me "Bawa Sial!"--bad luck. It was so bad that I couldn't leisurely walk on the school corridor. They would walked so far from me as if I brought Zika virus with me, ready to infect them. They pursued other students to stay away from me. One of them stepped on my lunch (yeah, that didn't happen just once). They even tore my profile on year book.

Not only bullying, actually, I happened to experience some minor problem, like my boyfriend cheated on me with his three girlfriends, family issues, health condition...
I almost killed myself at the end of my first year in high school. In the end, my parents knew it before I could have done it. See, there's always a reason to something. I wore bracelet in my high school years because I was scared, I might try to kill myself again. Stupid, I know. But at that time, that was the only way I know. I wore bracelets on my both hands until college--first year.

It was so bad that I barely made friends---in the end they didn't really have my back. Well, right now I don't care about them. My mom insisted that I should always come to her everyday, to tell her about my day at school. She didn't want to leave me alone. Well imagine how I survive 3 years of bullying, alone, with the thought of killing myself EVERYDAY. My mom made sure I didn't go lunatic.

Okay enough with depressing story.

Since then, I'm all about "self-proving". I learnt many things just so people don't call me bad luck.
I believe in myself alone, and no one I can trust. I build my own wall and sometimes, just some rare times I wore "mask" just to hide myself. I know it's not good, but that's me.
When you faced someone who tried used to try to kill herself everyday, you know something had happened.

See, reasons.

Saturday, January 3, 2015

I'm Not Lost

Pernah nggak, ada kejadian ketika anda sebenarnya nyasar tapi berlagak tahu dan merasa sperti "deja vu"---merasa sudah pernah melalui jalan tersebut dan tahu bahwa ini adalah jalan yang benar?

"I'm not lost."

Berkali-kali anda akan berkata begitu. Kemudian rasa ragu datang, merayap di kaki, pinggang, tangan, dada, lalu mencekik leher seraya panik datang. "What was I doing???"
That's what I'm going through these days. I feel like hiking a mountain. Beautiful mountain, really. I hike like a good girl, brave and gracious. I reach the peak just before New Year Eve, which is great. Well, you can brag along your luck about how great your year ends right? Like "Hey, I have my year great and I'm sure my 2015 will be great as well!". I finally have my job--a great, great job if I may add--with nice salary and all. I have choir service--which is the best thing of my year. And finally I have a boyfriend, a good boyfriend.
Why should I worry? For me, this already perfect. But then when I'm about to go down the mountain, I'm not sure if this is the best. Is this good? Is God want me this way?
I start to lost my courage, but still I don't like to say "I'm lost."


Benarkah pekerjaan ini yang gue mau? Padahal nggak ada secuil pun passion gue disitu. Tapi gue bisa hidup nyaman dan settle disana. Tapi sekali lagi... benarkah ini pekerjaan yang Tuhan mau?
Benarkah pelayanan ini yang Tuhan mau? Atau Dia cuma mau menunjukkan kalau gue bisa pakai suara gue untuk melayani, tapi bukan di choir yang ini?
Benarkah dia yang Tuhan mau untuk gue? Atau ternyata itu cuma keegoisan gue semata? Ataukah ini semua cuma kesalahan. Is it gonna be forever or is it gonna down in flame?

I'm not sure about all these stuff. What should I do God?
I'm lost.....

Thursday, January 1, 2015


'Cause we're young and we're reckless
And we'll take this way too far
It'll leave you breathless
or with a nasty scar
Got a long list of ex lovers
They'll tell you I'm insane
But I got blank space baby
And I'll write your name

Sudah terlalu sering gue denger orang-orang bilang "Kali ini sangat berbeda. Gue yakin dia orangnya." Yeah right. Gue juga selalu mikir begitu tiap kali rasa cinta sialan itu nimpuk hati gue, bahkan terhadap seorang cowok yang jelas beda "haluan". Apakah itu juga cinta? Entah.
Ketika raga udah lelah dan hati udah kering, apa sebuah perhatian bisa mengalihkan logika dan mengundang cinta? Another silly hypothesis.
Apakah karena teori "tiap manusia beda-beda" makanya ada pendapat kalau setiap kali kita berhubungan cinta dengan orang lain, pasti akan terasa berbeda? Kayak memakai dress yang warnanya sama tapi modelnya beda?
Gue akui setiap gue baru jadian, gue akan berpikir "Ah kali ini pasti berbeda." Tapi setelah gue putus dan gue mengingat ke belakang, hey, semua mantan pacar gue ternyata nggak beda-beda amat!
So is it that stupid love? Cinta yang membutakan masa awal kita baru jadian? Maybe.